Superior NanoBio Systems
We are currently collaborating with Superior NanoBio Systems on a number of medical imaging and diagnostics projects.
Ultrasound Urodynamics. Collaborating on Urodynamic Ultrasound Diagnostic project, led by SuperiorNanoBioSystems and Materials and Sensor Technologies Inc. Developing analysis algorithm
prototypes, performing lab tests, collaborating on research and whitepapers.
Remote Sensing for Malaria.
Collaborating on research project, Combating Resistant Malaria Strains Using
Remote Sensing and Decision Guided Systems. Project led by
Dr. Yitzhak Rosen of Superior NanoBioSystems, collaborating with Prof. Alex Brodsky of George Mason University.
Remote Sensing for Bioterrorism.
Collaborated on research project, led by Superior NanoBioSystems,
in collaboration with George Mason University and Holon Institue of Technology, Israel. Project was focused on Remote Sensing technologies for assessing risks of bioterrorism. Submitted to NATO Projects for Peace.